New Community Church of West Michigan is a friendly church. When you arrive, you’ll be greeted at the door. There’s coffee you can bring into the auditorium. Take a seat and feel the presence of God.
After each service, join us for coffee, donuts, and fellowship in Mainstreet, located just outside the Children's area.
We are so glad you are here.
Through the years, God's hand has brought us to where we are today. The commitment to being an independent, biblical church with a focus on biblical music and preaching not only held those original 30 people together but became a “magnet” drawing in many from the broader community.
The strength of our motto, “Caring About People” along with God’s ongoing blessing has kept the congregation stable and generally expanding.
Our church believes – as the Bible teaches – in a personal, real God who made us, knows us, loves us and is with us now and after death. The Bible teaches that God is Father (the Maker and Keeper) and the Son (the Revealer, the “Face” of God) and the Holy Spirit (the one who gives new life to hurting hearts).
The Bible is a collection of 66 books written through the ages by prophets and apostles of God. God actually put the ideas and teachings into the minds and hearts of the writers and guided them in their choice of words and expressions. (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:20+21). The Bible is necessary to know God’s Truth and to be guided by the Holy Spirit to come to know God and His love.
People are image bearers of God – both Christian believers and people who are not Christians. Therefore, all people must be treated with respect and love as God commands. To abuse people is to abuse God’s creation/image. People are God’s gift to us to bring relationship and support. God will often “speak” to us through the people He gives us.
We are here to fulfill the plan God has for our lives. We look for God’s leading in seeking work, marriage, friends, etc. and live content that we are living out His plan for our lives. We live that life with joy, hope and peace knowing that we are loved and forgiven by God.
We are born according to a specific plan of God for our lives (Psalm 139) and ought to seek the power and joy of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit in day-by-day living. We carry with us the image of God as we are formed and born. When this life is over we go immediately to be with God (Philippians 1) having a real, personal existence with God and other believers. When Jesus comes again our bodies will rise and we will get them back – refreshed, renewed – and live forever on a refreshed and renewed earth.
The purpose of the church is to gather God’s people together for fellowship and worship (Hebrews 10:25); to reach out to people in the world with the message and method of God’s love and healing; and to teach and guide the people of God in their daily lives.
Senior Pastor
Pastoral Counselor
Staff Manager | Arts Assistant
Finance Director
Facilities Manager
CR Director of Operations
Pastor & CR Executive Director
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