Sunday Service Times!

9:00 a.m Traditional
10:30 a.m. Contemporary

Meets at 2340 Dean Lake Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49505

5:30 p.m. Traditional
Meets at The Refuge, 60 Port Sheldon St SW Grandville MI 49418

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Meet our Sunday Morning Pastors!

Interested in learning more about our Pastors who preach on Sunday mornings? Or looking to contact one of them directly?
Click on the photos of our Pastor's for their biography and contact information.

How can we pray for you?

With prayer, we can overcome difficulty and find salvation. Come pray with us. Discover the power that is inside of you, waiting to be set free.

Click the button below to find our prayer page. There you can send us a Prayer Request.

Prayer Request Form

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a community that accepts people as they are, showing them the love of God, connects people with others in meaningful ways that promote the work of God in their lives, and walks together toward Jesus.



At New Community, you will find a variety of people. Come just as you are.



Our goal is for everyone to feel connected as they become a part of New Community.


Walk to Jesus

Our mission, and our direction is to be more like Jesus, and to know Him better.

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